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Sample Apps

Astro Launches displays up-to-date information about space launches all over the world. It provides developers an example of using Astro Swift Foundation in a full-featured SwiftUI application. Launches is in the App Store and open source on GitHub.

Astro Launches on AppleTV, iPhone, and Apple Watch
Astro Launches on Apple TV, iPhone, and Apple Watch

Astro Sampler lets users and developers explore and experiment with Astro components, colors, symbols, and data visualization. Sampler is in the App Store and open source on GitHub.

Astro Sampler App on Mac, iPhone, and Apple Watch
Astro Sampler App on Mac, iPhone, and Apple Watch


  • UI colors, status colors, classification colors, and data visualization colors are available as Xcode assets, wrapped as native color types, and mapped to semantic colors.
  • Status Symbols and Astro Icons are available as scalable SF Symbols.
  • Components unique to Astro (Status Symbol, Tag, Clock, Interval Timer, and Classification Markings) are available as SwiftUI Views.
  • Native platform components, such as Button, Slider, and Toggle, are tinted with Astro’s interactive color.
  • Simple view modifiers for Swift Charts add Astro data visualization stying.
  • Data types such as status level and classification are available as native Swift types.
  • Documentation is available in Xcode and online .


Astro Swift Foundation has everything developers need to bring Astro to their Swift UI apps, including components, colors, symbols, and data types. Foundation is an open source Swift package built upon Astro Design Tokens.

Astro Swift Core contains Astro’s reference colors and is an open source Swift package.

Astro Swift Utilities is a collection of handy Swift code used in our sample apps.


OS VersionsFoundationCoreUtilities
iOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, watchOS
iOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, watchOS

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